Thursday, May 25, 2017

Buddy time for the teachers' birthday week was celebrated with balloons!! We had a lot of fun and bangs in the scout hall with Room 2 🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈😁

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Class Disco Treat

On Friday we celebrated reaching 100 scales by having a class disco.  Wow, there were certainly some amazing moves being demonstrated to the latest beats!
Hope you can share in our fun by watching the video we made!

Disco Treat from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Wacky Hair Day

Ronald McDonald House, Christchurch, will be very grateful to receive $600 from Nelson Central School after we got behind the School Council's fundraising event.

Well done to everyone who took part and donated money.  We saw some very wacky sights!

Check out the whole school video on the link below created by John, our Deputy Principal.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Our Sensory Garden Movie

NCS Garden Makeover from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.

Garden Makeover Working Bee

On Saturday, a number of room 9 whanau joined together with Renwick 2 to help out at the working bee for the Treemendous Garden Makeover.

The weather was perfect (albeit a little bit too warm for the ready lawn) for us to get stuck in to the clearing of gardens, painting of fences, and laying of ready lawn.

Great effort from adults and children alike.  Thank you for giving your time to this wonderful project!

Syndicate superstars

Congratulations to our superstars this week, who received a certificate at assembly.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Money, money, money

In Room 9 we have been introduced to money.  We explored coins and notes from different countries and learned that this is called different currencies.  We have also been practising skip counting in tens to help us when we are counting our coins.

On Thursday we went 'shopping' and each child had $5 to spend at the supermarket catalogue.  We are learning which coins are more valuable than others.  Handling money will make us pretty savvy when it comes to buying things. 

ANZAC Learning

This week Room 9 students have been learning why we have ANZAC Day on the 25th April.  We all made poppies which are worn to remember the soldiers who have died in the war.  At Discovery Time we made Anzac biscuits, which were sent to the soldiers when they were away from home fighting in the war.  We can understand why these biscuits were very much appreciated!

Jacob and Jude researched the meaning behind it and they celebrated their learning by presenting a speech at Pohutukawa Syndicate's assembly on Thursday.

Here is a video recording of the boys making their speech with the support of the class and their poppies.

IMG_0043 from Kathryn Robertson on Vimeo.